Saturday, December 31, 2011

Exposure new 1010 series

It is here! The British brand has come up with the latest affordable range of products consisted of CD player and Integrated Amplifier. The design is simplistic and yet, they deliver astonishing performance. Exposure truly maintains the motto: Real Hi-Fi at Real World Prices!!  

1010 CD player RM2,599.00


1. High capacity 30VA custom made toroidal transformer
2. Anodised aluminium faceplate
3. High quality capacitors used in signal path
4. CD display can be turned off for improved sound quality
5. Optical output to connect to external Digital to Analogue Converter or recording device
6. High quality double sided PCB for optimum layout and screening
7. High quality remote control

Technical Spec
• Output Level : 2V RMS
• Frequency Response : 20Hz - 20KHz ± 0.03dB
• Total Harmonic Distortion : <0.008%, at 1KHz, 0dBFs
• Signal to Noise Ratio : >95dB, A weighted
• Digital Outputs : "Toslink" Optical
• Mains Supply : 110/120V or 220/240V, 50/60Hz (factory set)
• Power Consumption : <15W
• Dimensions - H x W x D : 90mm x 440mm x 300mm
• Nett Weight (unpacked) : 5kg
• Gross Weight (packed) : 7kg

1010 Integrated amplifier RM2,699


1. High capacity 120VA custom made toroidal transformer
2. Anodised aluminium faceplate
3. High quality capacitors used in signal path
4. Short signal path PCB
5. Relay switching of input signals
6. Dedicated fixed gain AV input (act as power amp)
7. Cascode circuitry used for improved power supply immunity
8. High quality remote control

Technical Specification
• Power Output (1KHz): 50W per channel RMS 8ohms
• Input sensitivity: 250mV
• Input Impedance: >14K Ohms
• Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20KHz ± 0.7dB
• Total Harmonic Distortion: <0.05% at rated power
• Signal to Noise Ration: >95dB, A Weighted, ref rated power
• Channel Separation: >60dB
• Mains Supply: 110/120V or 220/240V, 50/60Hz (factory set)
• Power Consumption: <120W
• Dimensions - H x W x D: 90mm x 420mm x 300mm
• Nett weight (unpacked): 5Kg
• Gross Weight (packed): 7Kg

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Dongzhi Festival

Dongzhi Festival is here again tomorrow.

Traditionally, the Dongzhi Festival is also a time for the family to get together. One activity that occurs during these get togethers is the making and eating of tangyuan (湯圓) or balls of glutinuous rice, which symbolize reunion. Tangyuan are made of glutinuous rice flour and sometimes brightly coloured. Each family member receives at least one large tangyuan in addition to several small ones. The flour balls may be plain or stuffed. They are cooked in a sweet soup or savoury broth with both the ball and the soup/broth served in one bowl.

Can't wait to eat it tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Retail Price of Rythmik Audio subwoofers

Dear valued customers,

Thank you for all the supports rendered to us as well as to Acoustique Systems in Amcorp Mall in making the Rythmik Audio your choice of subwoofers.

We regret to inform that we have to adjust the price of Rythmik Audio subwoofers due to rising costs. However, the increase is very minimal. This is to maintain Rythmik's value-for-money approach. Just like the F12, it is a true 14Hz (usable output) sealed subwoofer at just below RM3,500, which is very difficult to beat at its price point.

Append below will be the new retail price with effect from November 2011 :-

F12 sealed subwoofer : RM3,499
F15 sealed subwoofer : RM4,700
F15HP sealed subwoofer : RM 5700
FV15HP ported subwoofer : RM5600

The warranty shall remained unchanged.

Thank you very much once again.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rythmik Audio F12 Servo subwoofer review by Hi-Fi Unlimited

Big E of Hi-Fi Unlimited blogspot review this excellent value-for-money subwoofer recently.

To read more about it, please click this link

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Used Item: Audio Note OTO SE Signature

Very rare used Audio Note OTO SE Signature. Item was being sent for service and check by Mr Oh recently. No repair needed.

Condition : 8/10 (with the box)

10 watt Class A single ended integrated amplifier.

Asking price : Sold

Pls contact Max 017 6778820 or e-mail to

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton uses Triangle Electroacoustique

Located at avenue des Champs Elysées, Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton opened its door in 2006, with an eye towards cultivating a relationship with fine art, and, along with Marc Jacobs’ collaborations, infusing the company with a bit of a cultural and intellectual aura.

The Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton produces and hosts three exhibitions per year, around the themes of travel, heritage, art and fashion. Each exhibition attracts more than 10,000 visitors.

Triangle Electroacoustique is proud to be a partner of this excellent art center in Paris.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Used Item: PrimaLuna Prologue One

Photo of actual unit.

Condition: 8/10 with original tube cage.
Price: Sold
Pls contact Benjamin 012 6409699.

We are open on Sundays.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Used Item: Audio Research SP9 mkII and Classic 60

Selling this classic pair of Audio Research pre-amplifier and power amplifier.

SP9 mkII pre-amplifier
Classic 60 power amplifier

Models: SP9 mkII pre-amplifier & Classic 60 power amplifier. 60 watts per channel. 4, 8 and 16 ohm tapping. Phono stage and all tubes are working. 240V version.

Condition: 8/10
Price: Sold

Please contact Max 017 6778820 or Benjamin 012 6409699.

Some reading materials:

Used Item: RoomTune and Corner Tune

Update: CornerTunes have been snapped up!!

Selling off a set of RoomTune (column type). Well kept as these items are in the air-conditioned hi-fi room all the time.

In total there are 4x RoomTune (the column type as shown). The 4x triangular CornerTunes have been sold.

Condition: 9/10.
Price: Sold

Please contact Max 017 6778820 or Benjamin 012 6409699.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Used Item: Rega Planar 3 turntable

Rega Planar 3 turntable with tonearm and Linn K9 cartridge.
Condition: 7/10
Price: Sold

Please call / sms Benjamin 0126409699.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Used Item: Ayre K-5xe MP pre-amplifier

This is the MP model which is the latest version. Very well kept by the owner. Full working condition.

Comes with box & manual. 230V. Made in USA.
Condition : 9/10
Price : Sold

Pls contact Max at 017 677 8820 or Benjamin at 012 6409699.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Dengan Ingatan Tulus Ikhlas
Maaf Zahir Batin

Maxx Audio Visual Trading Sdn Bhd

Monday, August 22, 2011

被音樂包圍的美妙滋味 Triangle Genese Quartet

Triangle Genese Quartet


Audio Art Taiwan

3音路4單體低音反射式落地喇叭。使用1TZ2500鈦合金振膜高音單體,一只T16 EFS 6.3吋紙盆振膜、布質懸邊中音單體,2T16EFB 6.3吋碳纖維三明治振膜低音單體。頻率響應:35Hz-20kHz(±3dB),持續承受功率:120W,最高承受功率:240W,平均阻抗:8Ω(最低3.2Ω),分頻點:250Hz2.3kHz。靈敏度:92 dB。尺寸(HWD):1230 × 370 × 386 mm,重量:26 Kg。參考售價:179,800元,進口總代理:巴洛克(02-25167050)。

Quartet的造型繼承Magellan sw2的圓弧側板設計,能消除箱體的平行面,降低箱內駐波問題。前障板以鋼琴烤漆處理,面板上那塊金黃色的大型金屬飾牌也質感不俗,巧妙妝點出優雅高貴的氣質,法國人的造型設計果然別出心裁。

Quartet沒有搭載Magellan sw2的向後發聲單體,不過半突出於箱體外的高音單體配置,同樣能創造極其寬闊的音場,瀰漫在整個空間中的音樂包圍感,尤其令人印象深刻




只要是對法國喇叭廠Triangle稍有研究的人,相信都知道這次介紹的Genese系列是Triangle的全新產品線,地位僅次於旗艦Magellan。如果再進一步瞭解,你應該還會發現,原本位居這個等級的Stratos系列消失了。這新、舊系列之間有何差異?簡單的說,幾年前推出的Stratos系列是繼承前代Magellan技術的降低成本版,取而代之的Genese系列則不但導入新一代Magellan sw2的頂級科技,還配備了許多連Magellan sw2都沒有的全新設計。從這個角度檢視,Genese絕不只是Magellan sw2的簡化版,它代表的其實是Triangle最新科技結晶!


Genese的大幅進化,主要歸功於Triangle2005年擴建的全新研究中心,在這個佔地五百平方公尺的廠區中,Triangle不 但添購許多最先進的測量設備,還設有一間大型無響室。所以他們現在可以利用最新的雷射分析儀與加速度測量儀,精密測量單體振膜的運動與失真狀態,以及單體 框架的共振影響,還能透過實測結果,精確掌握音箱容積與內部補強框架的最佳位置,極低頻的測量範圍與精度也得以大幅提升。所以這三年來Triangle的設計功力突飛猛進,甚至在短時間內就推出新一代旗艦Magellan sw2。原本實力就極為堅強的Stratos之所以會被更新的Genese取代,一點也不令人意外。


Genese到底有何突破之處?從這次評論的Quartet喇叭中,我們可以探知其中端倪。首先看到Triangle最重視的中音單體。延續Triangle一貫作法,QuartetT16 EFS中音單體採用紙盆振膜搭配布質折疊懸邊,相位錐則比照Magellan sw2,採用了與振膜一體化的輕量塑料尖錐,以提升線性重播表現。與以往最大的不同是,這只單體的布質懸邊折疊圈數減少到只剩1.5道,衝程幅度也被限制在極小的範圍內。這種作法立刻讓我聯想到B&WFST無懸邊中音單體,FST的目的是為了消除懸邊對振膜運動的干擾,這個問題其實Triangle早就注意到了,他們的中音單體之所以一律配備布質折疊懸邊,就是因為這種懸邊的失真較低。如今進一步改良之後,中頻重播的表現值得期待。

再看到高音單體。號角開口一向是Triangle高音單體的最大特徵。不過這只TZ2500高音的號角開口角度與以往不同,外緣的角度平緩,內緣的曲度較陡,這種設計顯然與新一代Magellan sw2類似。值得注意的是,這次Quartet的高音分頻點設定與以往大異其趣。過去Stratos系列的分頻點通常設在4kHz,讓中音單體擔任較吃重的角色,也符合以往Triangle從中音單體出發的設計理念。不過這次Quartet卻將高音分頻點下調至2.3kHz,顯然這只TZ2500的重播性能有所提升,而改良後的中音單體則能更精確的負責2.3kHz以下中頻音域。附帶一提,這款高音單體的磁力系統改採釹鐵硼磁鐵,磁力特性更為優異,這或許也是TZ2500性能強化的原因之一。


Quartet外觀上的最大改變,在於這次Triangle首 度嘗試將高音單體半突出於箱體頂板之外。這項設計同樣是電腦精密計算後的成果,能有效提升音場表現,並降低高音指向性。突出於頂板的單體後方,被一個半圓 錐狀的箱室包覆,材質推測應是塑料射出成形。從原廠透視圖可以看到裡面有許多補強框架,用手敲擊,也可發現結構堅固、共振極低。




從以上介紹,我們可以發現Quartet的每項設計幾乎都比以往更為精進。不過科技並非全部,對Triangle主事者Renaud de Vergnette而言,不論任何設計,最後都必需以聲音驗收,直到符合他經驗中對於音樂的感受才算過關。他心目中的音樂感受到底是何境界?讓我們在Quartet的重播中尋找答案。



擴大機搭配方面,這次我先以輸出功率只有25瓦的Consonance M66管機驅動,在將近八坪的試聽室中,不論對付瞬間大動態,或是連續低頻衝擊,都沒有任何控制力不足的狀態,可見Quartet真的很好推。尤其特別的是,M66的聲底應該較為清朗,但是與Quartet搭配,聲底卻絲毫不顯冷淡清瘦,鋼弦吉他撥奏還頗有彈性,令我印象深刻。接下來,我再以70瓦功率的Pathos Classic One搭配,音質密度變得較高,低頻更厚實飽滿。最後以150瓦功率的Pass INI-150擴大機測試,在大功率驅動下,低頻有如大卡車駛過般沈重雄渾,不過能量太強反而有些壓迫,顯然Quartet並不需要大功率激發實力,聲音質感的協調,才是搭配重點。最後我選擇以Classic One作為試聽組合,因為這組搭配的音質厚度恰到好處,弦樂重播既緊湊又沒有壓迫感。


聆聽Michael Hedges的「Taproot」專輯,鋼弦吉他的泛音延伸充足,長音微弱的起伏綿延,聽不出一絲壓抑感。撥奏鋼弦的金屬感也毫不避諱的真實再現,不過聲音一點也不粗糙緊張刺耳,反而洋溢著輕鬆感,久聽也不疲累。開放、活生的高音原本就是Triangle喇叭的特色,但是Quartet的表現更順暢、更純淨細膩、更輕鬆悠揚。

再聽Cowboy Junkies的「The Trinity Session」專輯,這張在小教堂收錄的唱片,錄音中充斥著微弱的環境聲響,Quartet不但忠實重現錄音現場氛圍,甚至還能表現出伴隨這些細微噪音的殘響,可見細節再生能力之強。另一個值得強調之處是,Genese系列雖然沒有繼承Magellan的向後發聲單體,音場的三度空間感卻極其出色,音場寬度不但完全超越左右喇叭界限,舞台深度也層次分明,彷彿現場聆聽一般,有一種被音樂包圍的感覺。這種真實的音場表現,想必也是Renaud追求的「音樂感受」之一。

以往厚聲底與Triangle喇叭絕對扯不上邊,不過這次用Quartet播放挪威吉他手Terje Rypdal的「Blue」專輯,第二軌的電貝斯低頻竟然既豐潤又有彈性,腳踩大鼓的撲撲聲也有著飽滿的形體。再聽電吉他,即使加了distortion扭曲破音效果器,質感依然滑溜順暢,完全不同於世俗搖滾吉他的骯髒噪響,一聽即知是Terje Rypdal精心調配後的成果,微妙的顫音稍顯呆滯就失了情感韻味、陡然拔尖的高音不夠盡興就沒了快感、音樂能量一旦過頭就俗不可耐。而Quartet就是有辦法將這如糖似蜜、如夢似真的音樂幻境處理的恰到好處。這張專輯跟發燒錄音完全無關,不過幾年前Triangle推出的測試片中,竟然收錄了這張專輯中的一曲,當時我就覺得Renaud音樂品味不俗。如今以Quartet的實際表現驗收,我必須要說,Renaud不但音樂品味獨到,而且他真的實踐承諾,將無形的聆聽感受,化為實際重播的美妙音符。

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Used Item: Krell KSL-2 Pre-amplifier

No scratches on the front fascia

All inputs and outputs are working

This is a 240V version.

Condition : 7/10
Price : Sold
Lowballers will be politely ignored.

No optional phono board in this unit. Hence, S1 input is not in operation. Balance out being used to connect to power amp. All other connections are working properly.

Manual :

Please contact Max at 017 6778820 or e-mail to

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Used Item: Krell KRC-HR pre-amp

Used to be the top notch Krell pre-amp. Still one of the best today. Solidly built with separate power supply. Empty slot available for an on-board phono. This is something rare in the used items market.

Everything is original including the solid remote control

Rear view
This is a 240V version.
Condition : 8 /10
Price : Sold
Reason for sale : Upgrading
Review :

Please contact Max at 017 677 8820 or e-mail to

Thursday, August 11, 2011


The Triangle Electroacoustique high-end loudspeakers do not only excel in music, it is capable as well in home theater.

Here is a link of the review in Taiwan of the above system that comprised of Magellan Cello, Genese Voce Ce and Genese Trio :


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Used Item: Russ Andrews Classic PowerKord (Used)

Clearing some of the consignment items in our shop.

Item: Russ Andrews Classic PowerKord with Wattgate plugs.
Length: 1.2m
Condition: 8.5/10
Price: SOLD

If interested, please contact 0126409699.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Triangle Magellan Cello shone very well at KLIAV 2011

Many thanks to all who came as well as those who praised our Triangle Magellan Cello system at the just concluded KLIAV 2011.

Odiosleuth of the popular Hi-Fi Unlimited blogspot voted Triangle Cello system as Best 'Real World' system. It indeed came as a surprise to us. We're honoured by it.

Hi-Fi Avenue also listed it in its KLIAV: Best of...

Big E, also from Hi-Fi Unlimited named the Triangle Cello system as his favourite top contenders.

This year KLIAV is our very first Hi-End Hi-Fi outing. Previous year was complete SVS home theater system. We are very delighted that we made a very good impact at this year KLIAV show.

Once again, we would like to say a big thank you to all who have helped, advised, giving valuable information, and being true friends along our Hi-Fi journey. We really appreciate it. (Aiyo... sounds like a speech at Oscar Award lah)

We will definitely raise the bar for KLIAV 2012.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Kuala Lumpur International Audio Video Show 2011 @ JW Marriott Hotel (Room 8031)

For those of you who has yet to mark your attendance at this year's show, tomorrow is the last chance. Please don't miss it!!

Triangle Magellan Cello (Room 8031)
See you there!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hi Fi kaki gathering session a.k.a Friday Nite Party (Special)

At this time of the year, many enthusiasts are starting to anticipate the event of the year. Many of us are looking forward to listen to some of the finest hi-fi equipments money can buy and also to update ourselves with the latest toys in town. For those, who want to get a glimpse at those top models, this year's show is the one that should not be missed. I see that this year's show is being taken extremely seriously by the organizer and also the hi-fi community. The admin of hifi4sale forum ( has even set up a poll to enable fellow members to vote on the day and time for the teh tarik session. Kudos to you, Admin. We hope to see more people joining the fun of music listening.

The audio show fever has even caught up with the Seremban folks and some of them could hardly wait for the show. Therefore to warm things up a bit, we hitched a plan to hold our usual Friday Nite Party with a list of private collector's items in the 'menu'. However, the list of items grew so fast and much longer than we expected, we knew we are going to have lots of fun this time. To make things even better, our friend from KL also came to join us. I guess some might have read in local forums that it was indeed a Friday Nite Party Specials with our guest of honour, Jo Ki.

Careful planning was required to ensure everything runs smoothly and we set the stage one day before the party. We are absolutely grateful that one of us volunteered his equipments to run the show. The moment he loaded all his precious into my car, I felt extremely stressful when I started to think of those infamous potholes on our regular Malaysian roads. Nevertheless, I reached the destination safely with all things still in one piece. Unloaded all the equipments and set up the podium immediately. What a sigh of relief as those Foundation MkII stands ain't light at all.

Becareful of your back when you carry me!!
Up goes the pair of Chartwell LS3/5a onto the podium and straight away I know why Foundation is being preferred by my friend. The size matches so well for the speakers.

The Return of the Jedi
The moment has arrived and we started off by driving the Chartwell with the Audio Note OTO SE Signature while letting the Leak TL50+ to warm up quietly. After the dinner, our friend arrived with his precious Graaf pre-amp and immediately he dashed into the room and hook up the system with the pair of long awaited Tannoy Mini Autograph. I gotta say the Mids and Highs of the Tannoy is very impressive. Pop in the Triangle CD and go for the track with guitar solo and you will realize the Tannoy is doing some of its magic.

Gotta stick your face closer to the screen to check out the stuffs here
All of a sudden, Jo Ki said "I have brought my own pre-amp as stand by too." Well, without hesitate, he brought in the pre-amp. It's a small one and it is passive. Jo himself was very interested to know the true sound of the Leak TL50+ and the pre-amp is the optimum choice. We played the same song again and immediately we noticed the clarity has been brought to another level by the Cello Etude. It matches so well with the Leak TL50+ and also the Tannoy. We like the setup a lot that we nearly forgot about the other dishes in the 'menu'.
Humble little pre-amp
After more than an hour of listening, we swapped the speakers to the Rogers LS3/5a 60th Anniversary Special Edition. And straight away the difference is notable with much more lower frequencies compared to the Tannoy. However, the clarity of the guitar strings and also the airy vocal are not as pronounced as the Tannoy. But still, the Rogers hold some aces in terms of mid bass. Choose the right songs and the Rogers will entertain you for a long session throughout the night.

Nothing special but the back is very special indeed
Now, the long awaited combination which my friend labelled as "The Return of The Jedi" was ready and we placed the Chartwell on the Foundation. The Chartwell is quite different from the Rogers though they are both LS3/5a as this pair is a 15ohm. One will find the Chartwell more relaxed and has more clarity than the Rogers. We suspect the Rogers are still new after listening to the Chartwell. Jo Ki tried an experiment that we never thought of, exchange the grilles of the LS3/5as.

Full time whistle

To end the party, we had a brief listening of the Triangle speakers and it was also a preview of the system for the upcoming audio show. It was already 12 something after many rounds of extra time and it was time to blow the full time whistle. Everyone helped in dismantling the stage and packed up all the precious items before heading for supper. We are very happy to play host to all of you guys, especially Jo Ki who came all the way from KL to join us. Hopefully, we can have such occasion again in the near future. As for now, the party is over and we switch our attention to the upcoming KLIAV 2011 at JW Marriott Hotel next weekend.

Last in the menu

Monday, July 4, 2011

Hi Fi kaki gathering session a.k.a Friday Nite Party (Part 2)

The whole lot of us commented in the previous session that Triangle should be tried with tube amps. It was repeated many times and everyone actually wanted to prove a point. Okay. The very next day, I was at my friend's shop chit chatting with the old timers and suddenly my eyes caught a cute little tube amp sitting on top of a hifi rack. Ah.. It's a Single-Ended power amplifier. Without wasting much time, I asked my friend if I can give it a go with Triangles. "Yes. Of course." was the straight answer. There we go, stuffing the little amp into the packing box. Gosh!! This thing weighs a ton. Off we go and headed straight back to Seremban.   

I wasted no time and sent out messages to inform the rest about the latest amp in town. They were all shocked about the seriousness of having a tube amp with Triangle as they just commented about it the night before. Oh yeah!! Here we go. Another round of Friday Nite Party was set and this time we have a Japanese tube amp by the name of Acoustic Masterpiece M-101 in our menu. Well, I think not many of us here actually came across this brand. So, I will touch a bit on the brand first.

Acoustic Masterpiece is actually a sister company of the famous Japanese hi-end tube amp manufacturer, Air Tight. The M-101 uses 2x KT-88 and 2x 12AX7 together with 2 very expensive Tamara transformers. Checking on the specs, one will get to know that the output is only 8 watt. At the front faceplate are two tiny knobs which function as the attenuators. It is very solidly and well built.

Air Tight's Acoustic Masterpiece M-101
Friday night is here and guess what? The rest of the gang brought along their prized pre-amps this time. One of them said "the more, the merrier!!" That night looked as though it was forever young as we had an extended menu. We had the following:
Graaf WFB TWO pre-amp
The Fisher
DIY Matisse
All the trio, one Italian, one American and one Malaysian, sounded different with distinguishable characteristics straight away. There is one with smooth sounding, more balance between music and vocal, one with music tonality but with less focus, less details and one with very fine details but less tonality. So, I guess some of you might have known which is which as it was also a subject in one of the local hi-fi forums. It's great to have sessions like this where we can get to compare each pre-amps side-by-side. There's no right or wrong, no winners, no losers but everyone who was there that night was happy to have their listening experiences enriched further.  

Without much notice, it was already close to 12.30am and it was time to bring the curtains down on the pre-amp shootout night. Thanks everyone in making this happen. Hope you guys are reading this!! Cheers..

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Hi Fi kaki gathering session a.k.a Friday Nite Party (Part 1)

The Friday working hours are over and the weekend beckons. It is also the time when some of the audiophiles become active in a town located approx. 56km south of Kuala Lumpur. It all started as a casual gathering for music lovers but has since transformed into a weekly affair in a small town called Seremban. When the listening duration extends longer every single time, a move to a new 'base' was inevitable. We have since found a new 'base' for these sessions.

The 1st session kicked off with some of the members bringing the prized speakers along to find out the difference in terms of sound characteristics, strengths and weaknesses as well. The list of speakers are Triangle Genese Trio, KEF LS3/5a & Sonus faber Concertino.
The listening session went on till midnite coupled with laughters. At the same time, each members brought along their favourite CDs and we got the opportunity to know some great albums. be continued with more sessions (& with photos)

Audiophiles Gathering : Audio Note OTO SE Signature

For our gathering 1st July, we had the opportunity to audition the very rare Audio Note OTO SE Signature tube amp.

The kind owner lend us for our gathering. With such a fine tube amp, we must not let it go to waste.

Equipment list :
CDP : Exposure 3010s2
Speaker cables : Ultralink Platinum MK II Ambiance
Loudspeakers :
1. Triangle Trio
2. Chartwell LS3/5A (yes, you read it right)

Attendee: 7 ppl with some bringing their own CDs

Started off with Trio. Beautiful vocal indeed from this OTO SE. In fact, it is very captivating. Smooth and warm vocal. Very good soundstage and imaging. It is quite forward sounding. Now, I know why many of Mr Oh's friends are being smitten by it including himself. Forward sounding with great depth and soundstage imaging. Only downside is the bass which lacked dynamic. Could not ask for more for a 10W tube amp.

Swapped Chartwell LS3/5A. Again, our prediction does come true. The OTO SE Signature struggled to drive Chartwell. Fearing that we might inflict any 'wound' as well as 'hurting' Unc Jo's love, we decided to stop playing Chartwell after just one song. The OTO SE only has 8ohm and 4ohm selection. With its odd 11ohm and very low sensitivity, many amps would take a beating be it ss amp or tube amp.