Friday, August 23, 2013

Room Acoustic Treatment

Recently, a few customers asked me about those audio systems' photos that I posted in Facebook. Then, the subject of acoustic treatment brought into discussion.

I was quite surprised that many still use acoustic panels especially those absorption panels without knowing the usage as well as putting it in the wrong place. Some have the whole front wall with only absorption panels. Bad idea.

There should be a degree of 'check and balance' when it comes to room acoustic. Over treat the room, it sounds dead in it. High frequency and mid frequency suffer. Your ears 'tell' you that there is a uneasiness in it. The sound no longer sounds lively.

Before going for acoustic treatment, one must know what is the issue that he is facing. Without knowing the problem, you cannot troubleshoot it. For a start, the basic fundamentals of acoustic treatment normally will be done such as corner traps and first reflection point treatment. 

We have touched on the topics of acoustic treatments in this blogspot. You may refer to it as a guideline.

Room Acoustics : Is it same for Hi-Fi and Home Theatre

Home Theater Acoustics by Acoustic Sciences Corp

Room Acoustic

I am glad that these customers heeded my advice by taking off some of the panels that were put in wrong places. They hear improvements in their stereo system as well as HT. Sometime more does not necessary means better.

Have a nice weekend.

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